Social media has become the Olympics of the internet. We have become multitasking Gurus with lightening quick wit and a champion of influencing others to join the collective. The race is tough and open to those with or without prior experience. Participants may become masters of their virtual world and some will be overwhelmed and choose to abandon social media altogether. But just think, after you've LOL'ed your 50th Meme about "Who be like" or replied to the latest poll about garden hoses, you've traveled around the world and never left your seat.
Gone are the days of popping on line to see who has IM'd you to ask what's for lunch. You'll likely spend an hour speed reading hundreds of posts about love, salvation, heartbreak, sushi, and learning how "You can gain 1,000 followers for just $5.99." Today, popping online means one must make quick decisions and be savvy enough to juggle multiple accounts. It is common to have multiple accounts like: the primary account, the work account, the social account, and of course, the incognito account (used for legal gaming or anonymous opinion polls).
I love social media and enjoy knowing I have a voice and that someone out there might benefit from my postings. Hopefully some people will laugh at my jokes, enjoy looking at my pictures of flowers, and know that we have all become connected in such a way we could of never dreamed of. What we must remember to do is stay safe, stay smart, be alert, get involved anyway you feel comfortable, and if you need help navigating the virtual highways, click the help button or ask a fellow follower.
Travel safely dear friends and I'll C U L8tr.